Downtime Interview w/ Mario Zoots
Artist workspace
1) Location? I live and work in Denver, CO. Legal marijuana. 🇺🇸
2) Years collaging? I think I have been collaging for about 10 years. The first collages were made while completing my under grade degree around 2007/2008.
3) What do you love and hate about collage? Sometimes there is just too much material to choose from, but then again that’s what I love about collage, it can really be the combination of any found materials. It is a very open medium and I think that’s why I am draw to it still over all these years.
4) Biggest influences? My biggest influences are William Burroughs, Charlie Parker and late night parties.
5) Analog Vs Digital? I like it all. Some work calls to be made digitally, while others require physicality. I float between both spaces and I think they can be blurred a lot.
6) How do you spend your downtime? I spend my downtime listening to music, traveling and hanging with my son Jonas. I like to dj parties and love discovering new music. Did I say I love music?
7) Three tips for someone starting out in collage?
1. Talent is cheap.
2. You have to be possessed.
3. Be at the right place at the right time. I think Baldessari said this.
8) Up and coming shows or projects we should know about? Right now I’m just working in the studio continuing to make shit.
Instagram: @zoots
Artworks (top to bottom)
'Primary #1' Analogue collage on paper
'Primary #2' Analogue collage on paper
'Speak No Evil' Analogue collage on paper
'Study #1' Analogue collage on paper
'Untitled' Analogue collage on paper
'Untitled' Analogue collage on paper
'Untitled' Analogue collage on paper